Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New, alive and kicking


This is my first blogging experience. I have always wanted to have a blog but never really got around to just set one up. I will try to post a blog at least twice a week sometimes more, sometimes less.

This blog is about a whole bunch of non sense, life, love passion, happiness, emotions, rants, laughter, basically all that is euphoric, hence the blog name Euphoria.

I will also be posting blogs about music videos, lyrics and bands. And alot of my personal photography.

I notice that people get sloppy and lazy when it comes to getting to know someone.I am asking these questions out of curiosity of how and who will answer, if any.

Question 1: What is my favorite color?

Question 2: What are my favorite movies?

Question 3: What do i want to do with my life?

Question 4: Who is my inspiration?

Question 5: Do i believe in love?

The reason i asked you those five simple questions is that i will be answering them in my following blog. I ask those questions because, to me, when you know the answer to those five questions about someone, you know the base of who that person is. Two single quotes that i love and live by.

 Van Wilder (yes i will quote him twice in the next few lines, he might play a deuch in this movie but Ryan Renolds is an amazing actor and well lets face it, he has a great body to go with that lovely face of his). Sorry to get back to what i was saying, Van Wilder says:

" You can tell a lot about a person by the kind of drawers they wear."

and second,

"  Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive."

Two simple rules i now live by.

Pieces fall into place like the Domino effect.

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